Brian T. Rex is a designer, a professor, and founding Head of the Department of Architecture (DoArch) at South Dakota State University.  He studied architecture at UT-Arlington (BSc-Arch.); Carleton University (B-Arch); and Columbia University (MSc-AAD).

He has worked professionally in Dallas, New York, and Denver. Over a 26 year career in academia he has been on the faculty of the Universities of Colorado at Denver, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Texas Tech where he was Associate Dean for Academics before coming to SD State to found the first new professional program in the Upper Plains in a century. DoArch is designed as:
1. a tool to challenge and fortify regional professional practices
2. a critique of contemporary architectural education,
3. a public face for architecture as a practice, as a profession, and as a discipline in this place.

His environmental design projects and studies form a constellation of civic urbanism. His methods of inquiry are graphical, archival, and narrative. He problematizes the relationship between building and land to make architectures that are less than buildings, surrounding buildings, and out in the street.