
Mahmoud Sadek
Ian French
Autumn Schlomer

Volga (funded by a Precast Concrete Institute Grant)
Tom Kelley & Gage Brothers Concrete Products
Brian Lee
Iman Ebadi
Iqra Abbasi
Tolu Oyenyi
Alejandro Marin
Guillermo Cebrian
Fall 2017 ARCH 351 students
w/ photography by Amanda Jamison

Mobridge (funded by a Precast Concrete Institute Grant)
Tom Kelley & Gage Brothers Concrete Products
Josh Wagner
Spencer Sommers
Garrett Walter
Jacob Urban
Emily Heezen
Justin Davis
Rex Lyon
Chuck MacBride
Fall 2015 ARCH 351 students
Clarence Wipf & the Plainview Hudderite Colony
w/ photography by Amanda Jamison

Architecture Incorporated
Koch Hazard Architects
TSP Inc.
Mr. Jerome Lohr
Chuck MacBride
Diane Rieken
Jessica Garcia Fritz
Sara Lum
Federico Garcia Lammers
Robert Arlt
Brian Lee
Dr. Fang Xu
Josh Wagner
Garrett Walter
Jacob Urban
The AIA South Dakota & Angela Lammers
&, most importantly, the students of DoArch

Modeling South Dakota
Fall 2009 ARCH 3373 students (Lubbock)
Fall 2011 ARCH 101 students (Mobridge)
Chuck MacBride (Mobridge)
Fall 2012 ARCH 101 students (Huron)
Fall 2013 ARCH 101 students (Webster & Millbank)
Fall 2014 ARCH 101 students (Wagner)
Fall 2017 ARCH 101 students (Volga)
Fall 2018 ARCH 101 students (Lead)
Alejandro Marin & Tolu Oyenyi (Lead)
Fall 2019 ARCH 351 students (Piedmont)
Dakota Matthews Schmidt (Piedmont)
w/ photography by Amanda Jamison (Lead)

”Vis Lit” students and teaching assistants at the University of Nebraska
ARCH 1441 students and teaching assistants at Texas Tech University
ART 121 & ARCH 151 students at South Dakota State University
Jeff Day
Marti Gottsch

N-E Civic Center
Jack Fowler

Declining Curtis
Jack Fowler

Kyoto Needs Walls
Kim Batchellor

Pacific Stadium
Chuck MacBride

Biggest Building in Boulder
Chuck MacBride